Campaign 2016
The campaign “Who comes too close, goes too far!” is a measure of prevention against sexual harassment at the University of Bern and the PHBern – University of Teacher Education. It was launched in spring semester 2016. The campaign addresses students and employees. Its goal is to sensitise for the subject and to make known the contact points for people affected by sexual harassment and for witnesses.
Conception Campaign
Basic Idea: | Anthonie de Groot, Mauro Schönenberger |
Implementation communication: | Hubert Neidhart: Neidhart Grafik |
Implementation whistling boxes: | Tobias Schmid: captns & partner |
Project group: |
Universität Bern: Ursina Anderegg, Lilian Fankhauser, Nicola von Greyerz, Stephan Oberholzer |
copyright: | © University of Bern & Neidhart Grafik |
Campaign posters